Saturday, February 6, 2021

Week One

Throughout the next 6 weeks we are going to be learning about different countries in the world. Each week we will learn about a new country.

Week One: United States of America


1. Where is the USA on a map?

2. Learn where all the states are.
Watch Fifty Nifty United States Video

3. What is your favorite state?

Homework: Color flag of USA and think about your favorite state.

1. What is your favorite state?

2. Project: Make a poster board of your favorite state.
On your poster, include interesting facts about your state (when it became a state, state bird, motto, location, etc.) Make sure to also include pictures!

1. Work on your posters

2. Important Symbols of the USA:
Go on the computers and click on the link below:
Symbols of the USA
Pick one symbol from the list on the website.
Do some research about the monuments of your choice and write a paragraph about what you have learned.

Use Google Earth to find your house, school, and one of your favorite places.

2. Work on posters

1. Presentations!
Present your poster to the class.

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